Payment card

Card Manufacturing

The Manufacture of high quality and secure cards and documents consist of extremely complex processes and must conform to strictInternational Standards. Our Card manufacturing prides of the highest available technology and skilled staffs.


Our Graphics Design team consists of talented and highly skilled professionals with a track record of creating innovative designs that meet International Standards, as well as clients’ needs in terms of security and aesthetics. Our high tech, state-of-the-art tools, enables us to produce high security designs with the level of sophistication and complexity required to forestall card duplication and identity theft.

Card Printing

From Pre-Press to actual card printing, our processes are certified and confirmed by industry regulators as world class. Some of our certifications are by MasterCard, VISA, Verve, PCI, and CQM.

Our Pre-Press is capable of producing of quality printing plates with Interglio methods using CTOP equipment.

Offset printing is capable of using Rainbow printing, Simultan, and Intaglio to produce high resolution and security cards and documents.

Our Lamination process is fully automated for contact, contactless cards and ID documents, with high pressure and temperature accuracy.

We have Card Punching machines designed with fully automatic sensors to produce good quality of punched cards

For Holograming, we use Kurz technology to bring out high quality stamping on ID cards; and we also achieveGold and Silver Hot stamping finish in the production of Security ID cards and documents.


Chip embedding process is an art security cards. To this end, we have invested heavily on the best technology available in the industry to achieve excellent quality in this delicate and extremely important task. Our cutting edge equipment guarantees quality and accuracy in our Milling andEmbedding process. Our machines can achieve accurate milling depth and conforms to standards for measuring chip depth and positioning


We are also very proud of our warehouse facility. With a storage capacity of 10 Million cards and advanced inventory systems, we monitor our stocks in production and finished cards thereby optimizing our capacity and materials flow.

Payment and smart card manufacturing process

Card Personalization

Partnering with world renowned technology providers, we have set up a high efficiency plant with machines capable of personalizing 2million cards monthly. This is why we are able to meet clients’ needs in various categories of card personalization like:
·     Photo Insertion (YMCK- edge to edge)
·     Laser Engraving
·     Indenting (Front & Rear)
·     Embossing (Front)
·     Thermal printing
·     ICC (Contact, Contactless and Dual Interface)& Magnetic Stripe Encoding

Quality Assurance

As an organization with quality as a competitive advantage,we do not compromise on quality, hence we have established processes andequipment that meet international standards, which has earned us the CQM andISO 2015 certifications

Efficient Delivery Service

SecureID offers same day delivery services to card holders’ branches within 24hours of sending their data to SecureID for personalization. This revolutionary service eases the Bank of the logistics burden of having their customers’ cards delivered to their branches throughout the country. We have the cards delivered to your customers fast, efficiently and safely, leaving you with enough time and resources to achieve other organizational goals.

This service is offered with a high level of the following critical features: 

Security: This is our watchword, and we have PCI certification to show the high level of compliance to Industry standards thatour systems and processes are driven by. The branch delivery service is carried out under highly secure environments and conditions from data receipt to card delivery to any Bank branch or any non-Bank customer’s office in Nigeria. We also partner with the very best courier companies who also conform to Card security best-practices.

Transparency: At every stage of the Service, our clients receive email notification at their card headquarters and branches on expected deliveries, timelines, and masked content of deliveries with Air Way-Bill numbers, where applicable

Tracking: Using our automated tracking and verification system, each package carries a barcoded airway bill for identification and easyonline, real-time tracking of cards to the destination. Our clients also get anautomatic confirmation of deliveries via email or SMS with access to our onlineMIS per batch.

Mailing & fulfillment

Our latest fulfilment technology has the capacity to deliver1 million cards per month with 3 integrated modules which gives the machine theadvantage of driving upto three documents simultaneously into envelope bags atsame speed level.


> Banking: All banks in Nigeria and West Africancountries.
> Telecoms: All industry giants like; MTN, GLOBALCOM AND9MOBILE

Currently we covered all the below sectors          
·    Public      ·    Banking     ·    Telecoms     ·    Retail

Branch Delivery

SecureID same day delivery services to eventual card holders’ branches within 24hours of sending theirdata to SecureID for personalization. The revolutionary service takes away theburden associated with of having customer cards delivered to their branchesthroughout the country. We have the cards delivered to your customers fast,efficiently and safely, leaving you with enough time and resources to achieveother organizational goals. 

This service is offered with the best features:

Security: This is our watchword and we have PCI certification to show the high level compliance of systems andprocesses. The branched delivery service is carried out under highly secure environments and conditions from data receipt to card delivery to any branch inNigeria. We also partner with the very best courier companies who also conform to Card security best-practices.

Transparency: At every stage of the Service, clients will receive email notification at card headquarters and branches on expected deliveries, timelines and masked content of deliveries with Air Way Bill numbers.

Tracking: Using our automated tracking and verification system, each package shall carry a bar coded airway bill for identification and easy online, real- time tracking of cards to the desired branch. Client also get an automatic confirmation of deliveries via email or SMS with access to our online MIS per batch. 

Strength: Our operational strength is in the overwhelming resourceful team handling production affairs with robust expertise which span decades. Also, our Quality Management system is second to none in the industry with up to date technological tools at our disposal.

For more information or to schedule a tour, contact a sales consultant who can help you decide which community.