National ID Card

As Africa's leading polycarbonate smartcard manufacturing company, SecureID possesses the exquisite machinery and materials to manufacture national ID cards with improved security that tackles ID fraud and ID theft. Our national ID cards boast of greater security and high security printing features to forestall fraud. Our use of polycarbonate material guarantees a very strong wall of security and enhanced level of ID document security in that its layered structure enables the deployment of security and multipurpose features.

Some security features:

Below are some of the security features we offer for our cards:

Visual security features, which includes ‘holographic over’ laminates and cardpre-printing. ‘Holographic over’ laminates may include overt, covert, and forensic features.

Pre-printing security options, ranging from holograms and various types of security printingto special inks, relief structures, laser images, optical variable ink (OVI),hidden features, randomised UV markings etc.

Some benefits
·      Citizens’ identity and data management
·      Enhanced National security
·      Enhances National Identity theft control
·      Facilitates the ease of social incentives administration
·      Our cards can be used to fight against illegal employment through staff verification.

Health Cards

SecureID Limited is offering a high security smart card solution to its customers, a complete set of flexible, personalized solutions. Controlling the end-to-end value chain, SecureID Limited offers relevant expertise under a single roof:

Some of our health card features

·      Card body design, security feature combination and durability tests.
·      In-house development of secure embedded software and crypto libraries.
·      Development of personalization solutions and issuance services.
·      Development and deployment of enrolment and verification infrastructures.
·      Security application for both patient and health professionals
·      Security consulting around the healthcare smart card application.

Some benefits

Using these health cards speeds up the transition to paperless, electronic procedures and data exchanges, which are also great catalysts for the modernization of systems. In terms of administration, the results obtained are impressive.

Card usage creates consistent databases, with the automatic reading of data, and the confidential local storage and update of additional information such as blood groups, allergies, chronic disease and associated treatments.

Strong identification and authentication for patients and healthcare professionals, ability to verify benefits, expiry dates, multiple uses, are key features of microchip cards.

Creation of personalized, online services, with “patient-centric” focus with the usage of security features and capabilities of health care cards (identification number,PIN or biometric authentication).

The smartcard enables the ultimate privacy protection by filtering access to sensitive data – only authorized people can read it, such as the card holder and theirdoctor.

By identifying the holder and his/her affiliation to an organization, and verifying his/her rights, this card acts as an essential component of the IT system for the creation and secure transmission of standardized medical expense claims.

Dematerializationof the medical prescription from paper to electronic format helps organizations reduce costs and increase efficiency. Smart card solutions enable the pre-authorization of the health transaction by storing the validity of the patient’s right.

Varied Data page positions

Varied position of chip

RF Shield for privacy 

Some security features:

Our printing technologies offer offset printing as well as intaglio printing. The security features in offset and intaglio printing include but are not limited to:

Offset:Rainbow, Micro text, adjacent lines, Fluorescent inks, IR Pairing and many more.

Intaglio:OVI, Latent image, Tactility and many more.

There are varied options for design using chain or interlock stitching sewing. Our passports come in both Polycarbonate and Paper based ID page.

Drivers License

Card Structure

Options for plastic durability: PET F, PC, PVC can be used in producing the card.

The customised holographic laminates provide unique tamper-proof and anti-copy features which protect our cards against counterfeiting.

High resolution colour printing produces brilliant colours up to 8000 dpi that creates security design elements that cannot easily be scanned (anti-scanfeature).

Machine readable 2D or 1ZD barcode feature, which can store different types and amountof data, are also available.

Some security features

·      Guilloche
·      Micro text
·      Rainbow printing
·      Reversed text
·      Ultra Violet Black Light (UV)
·      Contact chip, Contactless chip(optional)
·      Magstripe (optional)
·      MRZ (optional)
·      Front to registration
·      Line width modulation (optional)
·      Aura Effects
·      Varied Data page positions
·      Varied position of chip
·      RF Shield for privacy 

Our printing technologies offer offset printing as well as intaglio printing. Thesecurity features in offset and intaglio printing include but are not limitedto:

Offset: Rainbow, Micro text, adjacent lines, Fluorescent inks, IR Pairing and manymore.

Intaglio:OVI, Latent image, Tactility and many more.

There arevaried options for design using chain or interlock stitching sewing. Ourpassports come in both Polycarbonate and Paper based ID page.

International Passports

In partnership with world industry leaders in passport design, passport printing and booklet assembly manufacturers, SecureID's passport offers solutions for basic and advanced passports, featuring: 
·      Varied Data page positions
·      Varied position of chip
·      RF Shield for privacy

Some security features 

Our printing technologies offer offset printing as well as intaglio printing. Thesecurity features in offset and intaglio printing include but are not limitedto:

Offset: Rainbow, Micro text, adjacent lines, Fluorescent inks, IR Pairing and manymore.

Intaglio:OVI, Latent image, Tactility and many more.

There arevaried options for design using chain or interlock stitching sewing. Ourpassports come in both Polycarbonate and Paper based ID page.

Voters Card

The future in electoral documents with the ever-evolving threats of electoral fraud,SecureID is the answer to secure electoral documents. SecureID's preferred solution of the voter's card is to provide each elligible voter with a Secure voter's card encoded with the holders' biodata, biometrics, and voting information. The voter's cards are expected to be much secure. In addition to the security features, it should fight against fraud and ensure transparent elections.

Some of our card features

Our multilayer design incorporates security features by combining various technologies. The electoral cards offer 1st, 2nd and 3rd level security design features embedded in multiple layers in the card structure, making the card impossible to forge.

The customised holographic laminates provide unique tamper-proof and anti-copy features which protect our cards against counterfeiting.

Options for plastic durability: PET F, PC, PVC, can be used in producing the card.

High resolution colour printing produces brilliant colours up to 8000 dpi that creates security design elements that cannot easily be scanned (anti-scan feature).

UltraViolet black light (UV) and micro text provides an effective 2nd level security requiring tools for verification.

Machine readable 2D or 1ZD barcode features, which can store different types and amount of data, are also available. 

Some benefits

·      We offer a large portfolio of solutions for efficient manufacturing, personalization; issuance, delivery and post-issuance management of Voter’s cards which will help the government establish secure identification programs.

·      As a pivotal company in security printing and solutions, over the years, SecureID has developed a thorough understanding of industry best practices and standards.

·      Our solutions are easy to implement even in the most demanding environment.

·      We also offer voting device hardware that perfectly integrate with our cards for ease of election.

·      Our designs can accommodate progressive developments from new technologies amongst other changes.

·      Ours is a solution for Nigeria byNigerians, thus bringing about a the promotion of local content and a reduction in capital flight


SecureID's innovative card designs can provide state-of-the-art, impossible to replicate immigration cards with the highest level of security features such as theNigerian CERPAC card

Some of our immigration cards

·      Guilloche
·      Micro text
·      Rainbow printing
·      Reversed Text
·      OVI printing
·      Chip (optional)
·      Magstripe (optional)
·      MRZ (optional)
·      Front to registration
·      Line width Modulation (optional)
·      Aura Effects

Some benefits

·      Security designs which meet andexceed current design concepts, such as hidden text, OVI, amongst others.

·      We offer a wide variety of plasticsubstrates that support card life cycle duration of up to 15 years.

·      No requirement for huge stock levels– our facility can store up to 50 million cards.

For more information or to schedule a tour, contact a sales consultant who can help you decide which community.